We are always
looking for
enthusiastic and
Ethical Management
Cyber Report Center
Corporate Ethics Reporting and Consultation
If you ever find yourself wondering “Is this ethical or not?”- the Cyber Report Center is here to help you. Please don’t hesitate to consult us via phone or mail if you have anything to report regarding corporate ethics.
All inquiries and reports will be kept completely anonymous and confidential.
You can also submit a report by email to jebo@lotte.net.
02 - 2141 - 2996
Cyber Report Center (Management Improvement Team), Lotte Chilsung
3F, 269, Olympic-ro (Lotte Castle Gold), Songpa-gu, Seoul
Types of information to be reported
Violation of law
Human Rights/Environment
Accounting fraud
Unfair hiring
Customer/partner complaints
Processing Procedure
You can provide information any time on the ethics hotline website, and also report information by phone, fax, or mail. You will be informed of the process of how your information is handled by the Management Improvement Center of the Lotte Legal Compliance Committee. Additional exchanges of opinions and inquiries are possible through the reply function on the ethics hotline website.
The procedure for how the information received is processed
Receiving the information reported
You can verify the receipt of your information at Lotte Chilsung ethics hotline with the notification "The receipt of your information has been completed.
The investigation period may differ depending on the subject and scope of investigation.
Investigation completed/closed
The investigation is completed after it is verified that the reported information is true. Based on the results of the investigation, measures are taken according to internal regulations, and the process is closed.
Standard of Protection for Reporters
Anyone who submits a report to the Cyber Report Center is afforded the fullest range of care and protection from any detriment or disadvantage. We ensure that your identity is kept confidential by applying the strictest security measures.
Standards for protecting Reporters and whistleblowers
The standards of the obligations and exemption of liability of a whistleblower