Survey on the Opinions of the Readers

Thank you for reading the Lotte Chilsung Beverage Sustainability Report.
We wish to listen to the valued opinion of the readers of the sustainability report and
various stakeholders to publish better sustainability report in the future.

  • 1. What group are you affiliated with?

  • 2. Through which channel did you receive this sustainability report?

  • 3. For what purpose(s) do you use this report? (Multiple choices possible)

  • 4. What was the most interesting issue in this report? (Multiple choices possible)

  • 5. What are the sections requiring improvement in this report? (Multiple choices possible)

  • 6. Does this report provide a good understanding of Lotte Chilsung Beverage’s ESG management initiatives?

  • 7. What is your evaluation on this report?

    [ Understanding of the Information ]
    [ Accuracy of the Information ]
    [ Amount of Information ]
    [ Design Composition ]
  • 8. Please write your opinion as to the ESG management efforts of Lotte Chilsung Beverage, or the overall composition and contents of this report.

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